Maintenance Tips
Maintenance Tips: A 2021 TRIUMPH ROCKET 3 R, its maintenance time is up, then dashboard shows a 'wrench' for maintenance tips.

Tips: After finishing related maintenance items, pls follow below steps to remove maintenance tips.
Solutions: Using OBDSTAR MS80 to operate on【Set distance remaining until next scheduled maintenance】and【Set the date of the next scheduled maintenance】.
Details Steps:
①Connect MS80 to Motorcycle, enter into【Moto Diag】;

②Click【All】, input letters such 'TR' in search bar, click【TRIUMPH】;
Tips: By searching keywords, find out related models quickly.

③Click the newest TRIUMPH edition;

④Click【Select from vehicle】,【R】,【Rocket III Roadster】;


⑥Click【Service system(Service Lamp Reset)】;


⑧Click【Special Function】;

⑨Read the notes, then click【Agree】;

⑩Input password 123, click【Enter】;

⑪Click【Set distance remaining until next scheduled maintenance】;

⑫Click【Enter】, follow the steps;

⑬Click【Down】& 【UP】, set your expected maintenance mileages, such as 6000, click【Enter】;

⑭Operation done.

⑮Click【Set the date of the next scheduled maintenance】;



⑱Operation done.

⑲Maintenance tips reminder has been removed successfully.

Pls strictly follow your device tips in your operation process.