Background: A 2017 KTM 690 Duke, its fault code shows a signal problem in gear sensor. It’s suggested to do gear sensor initialisation.
Preparation: MS80, M001A, M019/N019.
Note: M019 is suitable for MS80.
Tips: It is recommended to use this function after a signal problem in gear sensor. Faulty gear sensor might lead to vehicle not starting, driving thwarted or wrong gear shifting signal...
Note: Some cases will cause failure of this function such as a mechanical failure of the gear sensor or a broken gear sensor.
Solutions: using OBDSTAR MS80 to operate on【Gear sensor initialisation】.
Details Steps:
①Connect MS80 to Motorcycle, enter into【MOTO DIAG】;

②Click【All】, input letters such“KTM” in search bar, click【KTM】;
Tips: by searching keywords, find out related models quickly.

③Click KTM latest version;

④Click【Select from vehicle】,【6】,【690 DUKE】;
Note: can also select out model by【Auto Identify[CODE]】.




⑧Click【Special Function】;

⑨Read note, click【Agree】;

⑩Input 123, click【Enter】;

⑪Click【Gear sensor initialisation】;
Note: When doing this function, you need to squeeze the clutch and keep the gear in neutral.


⑬Release the clutch;

⑭Start the engine and accelerate its speed up to 900 rpm or more;
Note: The device will automatically jump to the next step when the engine speed reaches 900 rpm or more; the picture below shows engine speed reaches 384 rpm , pls wait it up to 900 rpm.

⑮Procedure successful.

Pls strictly follow your device tips in your operation process.